Friday 19 August 2011

My Undying Love For You Will Never Decompose (But My Body Might)

Drumroll and then some huge applause for my good friend beije, who so graciously not only filmed one of my performances but also colour corrected and edited it. Awesome!

I semi-proudly hereby present my first public performance of "My Undying Love For You Will Never Decompose (But My Body Might)", a song I started writing several months ago but didn't actually really finish until the night before I performed it. In case you're wondering the talking in the beginning part of the video is just me explaining how this song is a little "outside the box" but that it's still a love song.. or something like that.

The audio quality isn't very awesome, but definitely on par with my performance two years ago (youtube channel link here) so I'm not complaining. The visual quality on the other hand is light-years ahead of my last video and one can clearly distinguish my sweaty face. So yeah, enjoy that!